Considerations When Selecting Your Mist Collector
Metalworking fluids are used in a variety of machining techniques that produce airborne mists that can be dangerous. These mists have the potential to produce a hazardous work environment and major health issues for employees if they are not controlled. This is why facility managers need to manage these mists. A high-efficiency mist collecting system is one of the greatest ways to keep your area safe and your company in compliance with the law. Nonetheless, it is crucial to take into account a few crucial factors when buying an oil mist collector, some of which include –
The types of machining operations employed
What types of machining operations are you performing? Cutting, grinding, and drilling are high-speed and high-pressure operations, whereas milling, turning, and honing are low-speed and low-pressure operations.
The kind of fluid utilized
Are you utilizing coolant or oil as your metalworking fluid? Whereas oil coolants are non-water-soluble and do not mix with water, coolants are water-soluble concentrations that offer lubrication. The former is generally utilized for cooling, whilst the latter is mostly employed as a lubricant.
The kind of filter employed
Incorrect filters can cause the mist collector to lose airflow, which increases the emission concentration when the door is opened in between cycles and releases the mist into the environment. After then, mist will clog the HEPA secondary filter and pass through the primary filter, reducing airflow and efficiency capture. Because of this, it is crucial to choose the proper filter material to manage your particular droplet spectrum.
The machine tool’s speed
The amount of fluid ejected during operation depends on the machine tool’s speed. Larger droplets are produced by slow speeds with fewer revolutions per minute, while smaller droplets are produced by high speeds with more revolutions per minute. The tiny droplets are much harder to contain since they are aerosolized more quickly than the larger ones are.
The degree of machining’s temperature
The kind of emission and the collection mechanism needed to contain it depend on the quantity of heat produced by the machining process. It becomes challenging to confine because high temperatures vapourize the liquid particles, turning them into gas. On the other hand, the liquid does not evaporate during less-heated processes.
The coolant’s level of pressure
The majority of manufacturers of machine tools advise utilizing high-pressure coolants because they have minimal additives, clean the parts while they are being machined, and save operators money because they are applied directly through the machine at high pressure. Despite this, the high pressure causes the water molecules to split, resulting in a large number of tiny mist particles. Low pressure machining, on the other hand, results in larger coolant droplets that are simpler to filter. As a result, while choosing the optimal collector for your application, pressure is a crucial factor.
To select the ideal mist collectorpo for your application, it is essential to consult with a mist collection expert. One such professional is Powertech Pollution Controls Pvt. Ltd., whose Mistkiller is a high-efficiency centrifugal oil mist collector that was created for the control of the majority of mists produced by the usage of water-based coolants or water-based liquids.